World Of Iran Industrial Opportunities
Industrial Invesment & Joint Venture


IIJVPC is a professional services firm headquartered in Iran. our mission is to advise and support Foreign companies to establish, setup and expand successfully their Industrial Joint Ventures In Iran. we offer a tailor- made  services to help our partner & clients create sustainable growth And succeed in the Iran .

Our clients come from all type of industry sectors .

IIJVPC works with governments, international & multinational corporations, conglomerate, SMEs, chambers of commerce, business and industrial associations to Promote Industrial Joint Venture projects & Opportunities .


Pre – marketing of industrial joint venture projects
Industrial Entrepreneurship  opportunity building
Joint ventures setup & establishment consulting

Joint venture Partner search and matchmaking

Joint venture potential partners qualification
Industrial joint venture opportunity building

Pre – Negotiate with JV' potential partners
International joint ventures legal services
Incubate & accelerate SMEs joint venture
Industrial Entrepreneurship Generation

Industrial investment matchmaking

Industrial Partnership Building



Whatsapp +98 920 316 0378
Office +98 21 880 45449